Street Team & Tradeshow Brand Ambassador Services 2025
We Service nationwide.
Green is where we are currently servicing locally.
Yellow is where we can travel to .
SXSW 2025 is a big year and we are here to make a big splash – AGAIN!
We have a barrage of different contact less campaign strategies and other types of street marketing that has been proven to be effective in this post-pandemic world.
One of our hottest campaigns we are doing is bandit snipe yard sign placement and distribution. This is more than just for real estate. We are promoting album releases and apps and other types of restaurant openings and many other items to the public in this great way.
Every business is different. Every artist is different. Every application is different.
Our Street Team Guerilla Marketing Brand Ambassador staffing agency unit will represent you and will help spread the word and let you focus on other needs with your music , film or business.
We have an excellent tool box within our agency of resources in equipment, relationships and talent on our staff to put together an EFFECTIVE promotion.
Street promotion is key for any project or act to get the word out about new music, brands stores and products.
Getting back to the basics of human street interaction and providing a friendly call to action always gets results..
We simply interact with the people of Austin and the nation ! We are activating in over 60 US markets that are larger metropolitan areas. We drill down your target demographic & come up with a street team plan that will get the feedback you are looking for. has assembled teams in various cities and areas across the USA and has handled effective campaigns for major labels, television networks, popular fortune 500 companies and many acts that you hear on the radio today.
Check out the cities that we are currently activating in: USA & Canada!
The key is targeting the target audience & carrying out the promotion effectively and directly to the source! We have done the research on the best places to promote. We can custom target certain competitive arenas to reach those most likely to react to your project.
Experiential Marketing at its finest!
Street Team Feedback Market Reporting:
We document our efforts with photography, video feedback, and email lists. Hanging posters in high traffic areas, passing out flyers promoting downloads, tour dates, and other audience participation stunts. We give you the stats that you need to make better decisions after the campaign on how to maximize your audience’s needs and make important decisions that can save thousands in the future!
Being the nerds we are. We built our own app. Yup Apple and Android certified developers but with the knowledge and know how on the street to know what clients and people need for the best results. We’ve seen the others out there and decided it was time to make something of our own that is viable and internal and flexible for our many different types of marketing campaigns we cover.
Street Promotions are used to boost the number of fans & customers in many different avenues:
- Increases Emailing lists and phone numbers to send text promotions
- We give you the real numbers. Not just a bunch of bounce backs in your email campaigns.
- Increases Patrons to the venues.
- Increases Album sales
- Attraction of sponsors for support.
- Get fan feedback.
- Increase foot traffic to retail locations or websites.
- Promote your Film, Music / Single , Android or iOS App
- Give demonstrations of your smart phone APP or host a contest to generate leads
- Have a custom tailored Target Market Campaign drafted and reach sales goals
Need print and don’t want the extra headache of going to another vendor? WE OWN THE PRINT SHOP:
- Banners
- Stickers
- Screen Printing
- Posters & Flyers
- Yard Lawn Sign Printing & Distribution
- Giveaway items that are Cool….
We do this IN HOUSE and can keep your printed materials cost lowered for a campaign.
Seasoned street team available during March 2025 SXSW Film , Interactive & Music week to assist in distributing your marketing materials or promotion.
Need help promoting your showcase? Your Film? Your Music Downloads? Your Event? Your local Austin business? Building brand awareness? Need help in getting more emails signed up on your list or more social networking activity? We are here to help.
All promotions will be photo documented and a report will be given at the end for accountability.
WARNING: We do not sugar coat our Street Team reports! WE give HONEST feedback … We do not believe in just telling you everyone loved the promotion. We give you the RAW feedback.
We also specialize in Social media promotions so we can make your campaign come full circle.
Please contact us today with your campaign idea, and let us work together and come up with an effective promotion for your next release, radio single or tour.
Call us or text today to go over your Nationwide Street Team Needs: 512-831-3661
See our markets list to find out where else we activate . Also contact us as well on that because there maybe some cities and areas that aren’t yet mentioned on the site.
Some of the popular Brands we have done activation , public awareness and other street marketing brand ambassador promotions for:
*Note that we have a longer list as our company is often hired to work as a subcontractor to other marketing agencies to aid in promotional efforts on the streets of Austin from our long history of integrity and experience.
Do we pass out flyers?
YES! We Can Design and print them too!
Here are just some of the categories of “common” services we may provide for specific street branding campaigns:
Product Education Team on the street
Direct Marketing Team on the street
Identity Branding Team on the street
Product Sampling & Testing –
Social Engagement | Interactive Web Marketing – Promotional Models –
Looking for a specific look to give the right vibe to your clients? Need our promo crew to be dressed up in character or adhere to a strict dress code? You got it!
Are you promoting something that needs to have a certain flare or style to it?
Video Production- We can capture the campaign in a real time manner and put together product feedback clips for your brand and get the real research you need to fine tune your marketing strategy or even for more research and development.
Direct to consumer Marketing- – We target the people directly that your brand will be best suited for. We are all about targeted audiences.
Social Interactive Web Marketing – We can get you noticed on the street and tie it into a data collection campaign to help beef up your lists.
Venue Negotiations and Production
Creative Design / trade Show booth design / Graphic Designing Services
In-house DJs and Live Musicians are in our network from known names in the industry to independent artists with loads of talent.
We can also assist with getting the proper event permitting and insurances in place to make the event compliant with the City of Austin .
See our page on event permitting in Austin and Experiential marketing pop up tent page for more information. We are not the city of Austin and we are not directly affiliated with SXSW. We do carry insurance policies and can and will add on additional requirements on an as needed basis.
Permitting for a Pop Up Tent for Experiential Marketing at SXSW 2025